You bring me pleasure and joy.
Watching you sleep, your eyes closed, a relaxed face, your chest rising and falling with each breath you take brings me joy.
I know your desires, pains, strengths and self-doubts. I know them all.
I’m deeply touched by things you do for me.
Be yourself always and rest assured that your uniqueness is beautiful and brings me much happiness.
It pleases me to watch you wrestle and solve the problems you face. Growing in wisdom and knowledge in search for answers to questions you have.
Live life with fullness throughout every breath and experience and know that you are always free to come and go as you wish.
You are more than my child. You are my everything.
What does this have to do with financial planning? Well Everything. Since it’s well established that every decision we make is founded on our emotional state.
It’s also universally understood that our emotions are anchored by our feelings of self-worth, trust, confidence and acceptance. And we rationalise our emotional choices with logic and validation in justification of our decisions.
The danger with this, is the temptation for us to deny our real emotional state and seek superficial validations i.e. more money, material possessions, escapism activates etc. Doing so further isolating ourselves and others important to us.
Yes I understand that it’s hard to be vulnerable; especially in the litigious world we live in today, even more so if you provide services. However especially today to thrive and truly experience a higher quality of life I believe it’s essential we acknowledge of vulnerabilities and rally ourselves against our fears.
Turning our vulnerabilities into strengths is both an awakening and ever consuming experience.
In true vulnerability the following list are what scares me, maybe you feel the same maybe my list can help better clarify your own anxieties
Seen by others as a failure.
Not good enough.
Wasted talents and opportunities.
Living un-aligned to core values.
Unable to support (time and money) those important to me.
I discovered that understanding and embracing my emotional vulnerabilities about is refreshing as much as they are empowering.
Importantly by identifying and documenting my fears, I could effortlessly personalise a game plan and action list for myself, addressing each of my emotional vulnerabilities daily, short term and over the long term.
To date this journey has opened for me spiritual doors of enrichment and peace, allowed me to live more in the present, deepened my relationships with others, ensure my finances support my needs and I am being true to my core values and what’s important to me.
Conclusion: To be truly able to live your ideal life worry free, we must first define what is important to us and the things we fear the most. From here we need to hold ourselves accountable and do the things that make our ideal life our reality.
Father and son time.